| 1. | Procedure of complement fixation test for brucellosis 布氏杆菌病补体结合试验操作规程 |
| 2. | Procedure of complement fixation test for paratuberculosis 副结核病补体结合试验操作规程 |
| 3. | Procedure of micro - complement fixation test for bovine q fever 牛q热微量补体结合试验操作规程 |
| 4. | Protocol of complement fixation test for equine infectious anaemia 马传染性贫血补体结合试验方法 |
| 5. | Method of complement fixation test for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia 牛传染性胸膜肺炎补体结合试验方法 |
| 6. | Animal health analysis methods - detection of antibodies against brucellosis by the complement fixation test 动物健康分析方法.用补体结合试验检测布鲁菌病抗体 |
| 7. | Animal health analysis methods - detection of antibodies against ovine epididymitis by the complement fixation test 动物健康分析方法.用补体结合试验检测羊附睾炎抗体 |
| 8. | Animal health analysis methods - detection of antibodies against avian chlamydiosis by the complement fixation test 动物健康分析方法.用补体结合试验检测鸟类衣原体病抗体 |
| 9. | Animal health analysis methods - detection of antibodies against equine rhinopneumonia by the complement fixation test 动物健康分析方法.用补偿固定试验测定感染马肺疫病的抗体 |
| 10. | Animal health analysis methods - detection of antibodies against contagious agalactia by the complement fixation test 动物健康分析方法.用补体结合试验检测接触传染性无乳的抗体 |